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WHO advice on international travel and trade in the outbreak of a new pneumonia caused by the new Coronavirus has appeared in China

On December 31, 2019, a group of idiopathic pulmonary infections was reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. On January 9, the Chinese authorities stated in their statements to the media that the cause of these viral infections was initially identified as a new type of coronavirus that differs from any other type of human coronavirus that it has detected so far, knowing that coronaviruses It is a large group of viruses that infect the respiratory system and is capable of causing diseases ranging from common colds to the Middle East respiratory syndrome and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

The clinical signs and symptoms shown by patients who were reported to have this group of infections were mainly having fever in conjunction with a few of them suffering from breathing, and X-ray images of the patients' chest demonstrated bilateral concentrations of leaching in the lungs, bearing in mind that Some individuals with the condition were employed as merchants or sellers at the Huanan Seafood Market. Initial investigations based on the information currently available indicate that transmission from one person to another is highly unlikely and that health care workers have not been infected with each other. More information is required to improve understanding of the transmission and clinical symptoms of this new virus, although its source is still unknown.

International travelers should consider regular hedging

  • Although pneumonia is caused by one of the emerging coronaviruses, the possibilities of transmission and ways of transmission are still unclear. Therefore, reducing the risk of infection in general with acute respiratory infections while traveling to or affected by the disease (currently Wuhan) or by doing the following is a rational matter, as follows:Avoid intimate contact with those with acute respiratory infections; 
  • Persist in washing hands again and again, especially after contact with people with a disorder or their environment directly;
  •  Avoid close contact with farm animals or wild animals, whether alive or dead;
  •  Travelers with symptoms of acute respiratory infection should consider the practice of cough etiquette (keep away from individuals with sufficient distance, cover the mouth and nose when coughing, sneezing with disposable tissue or cloth, and washing hands).
Health practitioners and public health authorities must provide travelers with information that reduces their overall risk of acute respiratory infections by using health clinics, travel agencies, transport companies, and entry points.
A form can be used to determine the location of the passenger if it detects the presence of a sick passenger onboard the plane, which is a useful form for gathering the passenger's contact information and can be used for follow-up purposes, when necessary. Travelers should be encouraged to self-report their condition if they feel ill. The flight crew must apply the operational procedures recommended by the International Air Transport Association about the management of suspected communicable diseases on board.

International traffic restrictions are not recommended
Wuhan is one of the major domestic and international transportation hubs, and there are currently no reports of illnesses outside the city. The risk of reporting more cases elsewhere appears to be growing in light of the large population movements that are expected to increase steadily during the start of the Chinese New Year in the last week of January.

The organization does not recommend taking any specific health measures regarding travelers. They are generally seen as low-income checks and require substantial resources at the same time. If they exhibit symptoms that indicate that they suffer from respiratory disorders, whether they are traveling, during or after them, they are encouraged to seek medical care and inform those who provide them with health care services about their travel history. The organization does not recommend imposing any restrictions on travel or trade with China based on the information currently available on this event.

Countries should ensure that they do the following the International Health Regulations (2005):

  • Take routine measures, train staff, make available appropriate spaces and store adequate equipment at entry points to assess passengers' conditions and provide them with the management of the detected disorders they suffer before they travel onboard means of transportation (such as aircraft and ships) and when they arrive at entry points;
  • Putting in place the necessary procedures and means to report information about sick travelers at the stage between their independence of the transportation means and their arrival at the entry points, as well as those between the entry points and the national health authorities;
  • Organizing the safe transportation of travelers with symptoms to hospitals or facilities for treatment to assess their condition and treat them clinically;
  • Develop an effective plan for containing public health emergencies into implementation with entry points to respond to new public health events.
To avoid infection ... Important tips to wash clothes to kill bacteria in the time of Corona

People take many preventive measures to avoid infection with the emerging virus "Covid 19", and with many staying at home in implementation of household isolation and curfew decisions in their countries, women take intensive hygiene measures to preserve the health of the family, especially since the spread of the Coronavirus can occur in a number One of the methods including moving through clothes.
To avoid coronavirus infection through clothing, the cleaning expert revealed the best way to wash physical objects, especially as the COVID-19 coronavirus can remain on surfaces for a long period, and this includes physical materials such as clothes, towels, and the bed lining, so several experts have revealed Tips on how to wash clothes properly to get rid of bacteria, according to the British "express" website.
The report says that COVID-19 is a form of coronavirus that can be caught by touching contaminated surfaces. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is evidence that the virus can remain on materials, and viruses can stick to clothes, towels, and bedding for some time. Two days, which means that regular cleaning is recommended.
Therefore, Dr. Beckman, the cleaning and laundry expert, recommends that you follow a few simple tips when it comes to cleaning clothes, while Susan Vermont, a spokeswoman for Dr. Beckman, explained: "There is a misconception that people should wash clothes in the most possible places to kill bacteria, but it is not necessary. Putting a large amount of laundry at 60 ° C may be enough to get rid of the bacteria, "and the cleaning expert recommended using a good detergent to get the best results.

She explained that cleaning clothes, towels and bedding regularly can help get rid of bacteria. Suzan added: "Most people leave clothes and household items until they accumulate before washing. There is also a tendency for people to wash at 40 degrees in a quick wash cycle, which is not recommended. Under the current circumstances, we recommend that you wash at 60 ° C more regularly.

The NHS website also published guidelines on how to take care of physical items during the spread of a coronavirus, which prohibited sharing towels or bedding with those who had any symptoms of the virus. The NHS advised washing clothes at a slightly higher temperature using strong detergent, and the site said: "Regular washing of clothes will reduce the risk of germs transfer. In some cases, clothes should be washed at temperatures above normal temperatures and with the use of a bleach product to reduce the risk of transfer to As far as possible, "he said, adding that by following the instructions when washing clothes, bacteria can be eliminated, as this will help get rid of germs and viruses that may be living on the clothes.


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